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Beat Brawler

"Beat Brawler" is an action 2.5 D sidescroller beat em up in which players slip into the skin of young Ren. He fights against several gangsters and gang bosses in the alleyways of a fictional New York and uses his katana and his Walkman, on which he can play collected mixtapes. These give him additional skills, which mainly come from the dance styles of breakdancing and capoeira. Music, especially hip hop and RnB, play a central role in Beat Brawler. The mixtapes are to be understood as power-ups, which allow the player to use skills appropriate to the location and opponent. In the further development of the prototype, these attacks will also be synchronised with the rhythm of the background music in order to achieve high scores and other power-ups.

Unbenanntes_Projekt 26_edited.png
All Characters_3.png
Basic Opponent
Bulky Bruce

I have modelled the characters of the game demo in Blender after creating the designs through character design sketches.

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